The New Bravox Amplifiers & 2011 Bravox lineup are available exclusively at C3 Customs.
...Team Bravox News
The New Bravox Amplifiers & 2011 Bravox lineup are available exclusively at C3 Customs.
C3 Customs is now a US Distributor for Bravox Audio.
- only 10 BVX & 4 EDX12D-2 are in stock.
Visit Stetsom
The following are Team Bravox's industry partners. Many of our Team Bravox members exclusively use the following products:
You must wear your official Team Bravox “official competition jersey” during the awards ceremony, and posing for photographs with your trophy or award immediately after the awards ceremony. No exceptions. For multiple-day events, it is expected that you will wear your official competition jersey on the day the awards are handed out, and at your discretion, wear a Team-provided T-shirt or other shirt which contains the Bravox Audio name and logo on the other day(s).
Have decal(s) placed on the vehicle in prominent, easy to see location(s) for every event: this can include a window banner on front or rear window top, and/or medium stickers on each lower rear window or side skirts. We have no official placement requirement or size requirement, other than the decal(s) be easily visible in a prominent location. NOTE: if your competition sanctioning organization prohibits the use of decals on your car, please notify us upon submittal of application.
Attend and enter the sponsored vehicle in at least ten car shows/events in a calendar year “season” (a minimum of which must be one “regional” event, TKE, or “national” event, and one “finals” event in the sanctioning organization of your choice); everyone must attend at least one “finals” event during the competition season. No exceptions. If you don’t anticipate having ten shows within a reasonable drive of your home location, please indicate this to us in your application. But plan on attending at least one “finals” event, no matter how far of a drive it is, or what economic conditions you are currently experiencing.
Submit a brief summary after every show of what you accomplished as far as results, and a synopsis of the show, location, sponsor, others in attendance, and etc., for us to use in media and press releases. At larger events, such as TKE’s and Finals, please submit photographs with your summary. Your summaries can be posted on our official Team Bravox bulletin board.
Participate in the Team Bravox on-line bulletin board (hidden to the general public).
Refrain from using or displaying names or displaying products of any competing company. For a list of competing companies, please contact us.
Periodically, you may be requested to display/handout business cards and/or flyers and brochures (and occasionally product) at events attended, as supplied by Bravox Audio.
Display a high level of Bravox Audio product knowledge, and direct traffic to the Bravox Audio booth (at events where there is an official Bravox Audio booth)and direct traffic to fellow Team Bravox members’ vehicles;
Quarterly written summary reports including: photos, tear sheets of magazine feature stories, copies of ads or brochures or any other promotional literature where the vehicle is featured, and any other proof that demonstrates that the sponsorship agreement has been fulfilled; and review & sign the agreement.
Bravox Audio maintains an official process for the evaluation of prospective Team Bravox members. This process is the same from beginner members to professional competitors alike; in order to help us qualify you for sponsorship we ask you to fill out the attached sponsorship application and get a written referral from a current team member. Upon completion of this application & referral, please return them to C3 Customs, along with a brief, but formal written proposal. Photographs of the vehicle should accompany all applications. Sorry, applications without photos and/or a written proposal cannot be processed. Please be specific in your proposal how your membership in Team Bravox benefits Bravox Audio.
Bravox Audio retains detailed documentation files as evidence to support all sponsorships. We require charge card information including the name of the person or company being sponsored. In the event that Bravox Audio does not believe the sponsored competitor to have fulfilled the membership requirements above, we reserve the right to charge full retail price for products that have already been supplied on a sponsorship basis.
Those requesting sponsorship agree that should they not supply full documentation demonstrating complete fulfillment of all specifics outlined in the original proposal, and by signing this agreement, they will be charged full retail price for the product provided. Bravox Audio also requires that the owner of each sponsored vehicle complete a feedback form so as to provide Bravox Audio with quotes about your impression of the product, desired improvements, the reactions of others acquainted with the sponsored vehicle, and suggestions of improvements of the Team. Information provided may be used for all multimedia, including but not limited to advertisements, press releases and promotions.
Finally, you must be financially capable to successfully build and campaign a vehicle. Check your finances before you make application, because building and competing in a world-class car audio competition vehicle is expensive. We’ve seen it time and time again: be sure you can afford to compete and win large trophies under the Team Bravox banner. We’ll do our parts with sponsorship items, but you must certify that you can do your part too.